Brittany E. Holthausen has a doctorate in Engineering Psychology from Georgia Institute of Technology and is working for The Boeing Company as a Human Systems Engineer. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering and Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University and her Masters of Science in Psychology from Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research focuses on trust in automated driving, evaluating automation reliability displays, and determining the impact of training on trust calibration in automated driving.
Philipp Wintersberger is a researcher at the research center CARISSMA/THI and obtained his doctorate in Engineering Science from Johannes Kepler University Linz specializing Human-Computer Interaction and Human-Machine Cooperation. He worked 10 years as a software engineer/architect before joining the Human-Computer Interaction Group at CARISSMA/THI to conduct research in the area of Human Factors and Driving Ergonomics. His research contributions focus trust in automation, attentive user interfaces, as well as UX/acceptance of automated vehicles and received several awards over the past years.
Bruce N. Walker is Professor in the School of Psychology and the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech, and founder of the Sonification Lab. Dr. Walker completed his Ph.D. at Rice University in Human Factors Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction in 2001. He is a Core Faculty member in the GVU Center, a member of the Center for Music Technology (GTCMT) and the Center for Biologically Inspired Design (CBID), and a Project Director in the WirelessRERC. Dr. Walker is a Past-President of the International Community for Auditory Display (ICAD) and served as Program Chair for Auto-UI 2018.
Andreas Riener is professor for Human Machine Interface and Virtual Reality at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) with co-appointment at the CARISSMA research center. He is program manger for User Experience Design and leads the Usability research and driving simulator labs. In 2017, he founded the interdisciplinary Human-Computer Interaction Group. His reserach interests include ergonomics, driver state assessment, and trust/acceptance/ethics in automated driving.
*This work is supported under the FH-Impuls program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under Grant Number 13FH7I01IA (SAFIR).
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Human-Computer Interaction Group
Sonification Lab, GeorgiaTech School of Psychology
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